Saturday, February 2, 2008

Coming to Grips...

Sharon Astyk has been writing prolifically recently, and this post of a couple days ago provides a very well reasoned demonstration of why the attempt to “solve” climate change is misplaced, in “The Cure is Worse than the Disease.”

Also, her most recent piece, “Economic Self-Stimulus: Ideas for One Last Financial Orgasm,” offers some good insights into the impending financial meltdown.

And for another perspective, take a look at Carolyn Baker's review of The Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future (by William Kotke).

The above are poignant postscripts to our three days with Sally Erickson and Tim Bennett (What A Way To Go), where 35 brave souls sat together to consider the implications of "Life at the End of Empire." It was an extraordinary experience, and somehow I will find a way to write about it in the next few days. Meanwhile, hopefully the posts above will be, well, stimulating...