Monday, January 14, 2008

Peak Soil!

Another great local weblog is Peak Soil by Eric Johnson:

Peak Soil is a slogan that came to mind when I started thinking about local food self-sufficiency. Relocalizing food is about turning away from the fossil fuel era, but more importantly it's about turning towards local self reliance. A key element in local food security is improving and protecting the soil. In fact, the better the soil, the more productive the farm or garden. So, the way I see it, peak soil is a good thing -- it's a peak of abundance rather than impending scarcity. In all of our relocalization work, whether the topic is energy, local economies, food security, or something else, let's cultivate an attitude of opportunity, and expand our vision of what's possible.
Be sure to check out his terrific article on Kipp Nash's Suburban CSA.

There is something really exciting happening in the local food scene in Boulder...

...Personally, my take on the project is that it's one of the most inspiring and innovative things I've run across in years. I follow garden goings-on pretty closely in Boulder. I really think this concept is poised to take off, both because it builds community and because of the stunning visual display and high quality of food.

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